July 1, 2017;
contact: international@g20-2017.org
or stay tuned at | http://g20-protest.info; https://www.g20hamburg.org/en
Dear friends
This is the last update for our international comrades, friends, activists who will join the no g20 protest week in Hamburg with the most relevant telphone numbers, addresses, contact points you might need when you come to Hamburg. These contacts/numbers are especially important since many things might change in the course of the week – depending on court rulings (e.g. the camps and registered demonstrations) as well as on our actual mobilizations and the potential and empowerment of the many, the lively and heterogeneous.
However, the general info-numbers will stay in place and will help you to orient yourself and get the current information then you need.
Plus, for the general activities in the course of the week please consult our last international no-g20 newsletter from two weeks ago (http://g20-protest.info/category/general-information/newsletter-june-2017/).
And for all international activists we offer an information and get together meeting, Thursday, July 6 from 11.30 am to 1 pm at the main site of the solidarity summit at Kampnagel in the location of the Alabama Kinosaal (Jarrestraße 20; Hamburg, Hamburg 22303 Germany, see also https://www.google.com/maps/place/Jarrestra%C3%9Fe+20,+22303+Hamburg,+Germany/@53.58406,10.0205813,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x47b1892e8ef5dd1d:0x2d30dd18578a70bc!8m2!3d53.58406!4d10.02277?hl=en)
Below you can find the information organized in general contact points and numbers (including legal info numbers, camps, accommodation), and a list of info-links to the various activities/alliances.:
Looking forward to seeing you all in Hamburg!
1. General Information – numbers, addresses
General Infonumber | +49 (0) 152 1372 1793 | The people at the phone will orient you to infopoints (for mass accommodation/camps, meeting points etc.) and give you current information during your travel & the days.
EA (Legal Team) | https://g20ea.blackblogs.org/en/ | twitter: @ea_hh | +49 (0)40 432 78 778 (the legal team is NOT a general infophone, please call then if you see arrests. If you are arrested you have the right to call them (one call to a lawyer or legal help). For more information on legal questions please see http://g20-protest.info/category/legal-stuff/
City and action maps | http://www.blockg20.org/aktionskarten/: This is where you find various maps of Hamburg for the actions, for info- and meeting points. Please stay tuned, since there will be updates regularly with important info and numbers (see also a reader with timetable, Infrastructure, Infopoints at http://g20-protest.info/category/general-information/reader-for-the-protest-week/
There will be Arrival Info Point where you will find wonderful activists who will help you with your questions located at the Main railway station (Hamburg Hauptbahnhof), at Arrivati Park (Neuer Pferdemarkt), at the Rote Flora at the street Schulterblatt (the later both close to the Blue Zone). You can find all these places clearly marked in the action maps (see above)
The Camp will (hopefully) be at the Altona Volkspark/Jugendsportpark, in the West of the city (please go to the train station Altona Bahnhof). There is still a political and legal battly around it (as also in regards to the otehr camp inside the Blue Zone, the Stadtpark camp), but right now the camp in Altona it is being build and constructed in order to have a space for all activists to sleep.
Infonumbers of the Camp | 004915217030644 | 004915210572673
There is also a private accommodation exchange (solidarity accommodation). If you come in smaller numbers please check here and you will find hospitable people from Hamburg offering their space and bed: http://g20-protest.info/category/week-of-protest/private-accommodation/
Social media No G20 International | Facebook: @g20 international | Twitter: @NoG20_Inter | #noG20
2. Information to the Activities and alliances:
05.- 06. July | Global Solidarity Summit | http://solidarity-summit.org/en/global-solidarity-summit/ (program /broschure to download with all locations at https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B51UrzA22gw4WlgtUGdtNUNnYjg/view)
06. July | Welcome to Hell | 16.00 at Fischmarkt with an opening rally, start of the (autonomous) demonstration at 6.30 pm, for more see https://g20tohell.blackblogs.org/
07. July | early in the morning after 7 am around the blue and red zone Block G20 | http://www.blockg20.org/en/
07. July | early in the morning after 7 am on the southern side of the Elbe in Wilhelmsburg Shutdown the harbour | https://shutdown-hamburg.org/?lang=en
08. July | 11 am at Deichtorhallen (close to the central station) Demonstration „Solidarity without borders instead of G20“ – the demo will start at 1 pm with a a lively, colourful international block with all of you (followed by the contingents of the Kurdisch, radical left, youth, Attac, Left party, peace movement|, Turkish, Climate Justice and many others etc. In the end of the march there will be music and dance trucks. The closing rally will be at the Heiligengeistfeld (still at the courts) from 3 to 6 pm (for more see http://g20-demo.de/de/start/ or http://g20-demo.de/en/start-2/
Infoportal | https://www.g20hamburg.org/en | http://g20-protest.info/